9223 99 ST NW Edmonton AB T6E 2V9 E4392451
9223 99 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 2V92308 Parsons RD NW Edmonton AB T6N 2B2 E4392272
2308 Parsons RD NW, Edmonton, AB, T6N 2B265 AVE RR 245&250 Rural Leduc County AB T9E 4C4 E4393540
65 AVE, RR 245&250, Rural Leduc County, AB, T9E 4C4Vacant Lot/Land901 10 AV Nisku AB T6H 4B6 E4393393
901 10 AV, Nisku, AB, T6H 4B6#21B 25012 STURGEON RD Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0C3 E4394672
#21B 25012 STURGEON RD, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 0C35 DONSDALE CR NW Edmonton AB T6M 2N3 E4392300
5 DONSDALE CR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6M 2N312511 GRAND VIEW DR NW Edmonton AB T6H 4K5 E4393359
12511 GRAND VIEW DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6H 4K514312 92A AV NW Edmonton AB T5R 5E2 E4394991
14312 92A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5R 5E27712 104 ST NW Edmonton AB T6E 4C5 E4391927
7712 104 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4C59590 125A AV NW Edmonton AB T5E 3G5 E4392730
9590 125A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 3G5Featured Properties
9223 99 ST NW Edmonton AB T6E 2V9 E4392451
9223 99 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 2V92308 Parsons RD NW Edmonton AB T6N 2B2 E4392272
2308 Parsons RD NW, Edmonton, AB, T6N 2B265 AVE RR 245&250 Rural Leduc County AB T9E 4C4 E4393540
65 AVE, RR 245&250, Rural Leduc County, AB, T9E 4C4901 10 AV Nisku AB T6H 4B6 E4393393
901 10 AV, Nisku, AB, T6H 4B6#21B 25012 STURGEON RD Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0C3 E4394672
#21B 25012 STURGEON RD, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 0C35 DONSDALE CR NW Edmonton AB T6M 2N3 E4392300
5 DONSDALE CR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6M 2N312511 GRAND VIEW DR NW Edmonton AB T6H 4K5 E4393359
12511 GRAND VIEW DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6H 4K514312 92A AV NW Edmonton AB T5R 5E2 E4394991
14312 92A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5R 5E27712 104 ST NW Edmonton AB T6E 4C5 E4391927
7712 104 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4C59590 125A AV NW Edmonton AB T5E 3G5 E4392730
9590 125A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 3G510417 SASKATCHEWAN DR NW Edmonton AB T6E 4R8 E4395104
10417 SASKATCHEWAN DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4R86619 123 ST NW NW Edmonton AB T6H 3T3 E4394046
6619 123 ST NW NW, Edmonton, AB, T6H 3T36515 17 ST SW Edmonton AB T6X 1A8 E4394871
6515 17 ST SW, Edmonton, AB, T6X 1A8#6 53217 RGE RD 263 Rural Parkland County AB T7Y 1E2 E4393873
#6 53217 RGE RD 263, Rural Parkland County, AB, T7Y 1E29028 VALLEYVIEW DR NW Edmonton AB T5R 5T6 E4393981
9028 VALLEYVIEW DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T5R 5T650 Pinnacle Wy 50 54403 Rge Rd 251 Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0B5 E4393738
50 Pinnacle Way, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 0B562407 Range Road 431 Rural Bonnyville M.D. AB T9M 1P3 E4393138
62407 Range Road 431, Rural Bonnyville M.D., AB, T9M 1P387 WESTBROOK DR NW Edmonton AB T6J 2C8 E4392992
87 WESTBROOK DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 2C8Lote 1 Manzana 8 Vinedo San Lucas Out of Province_Alberta AB O0O 0O0 E4393028
Lote 1 Manzana 8 Vinedo San Lucas, Out of Province_Alberta, AB, O0O 0O012311 ASPEN DR W NW Edmonton AB T6J 2B6 E4393775
12311 ASPEN DR W NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 2B63104 WATSON GR SW Edmonton AB T6W 0P2 E4394886
3104 WATSON GR SW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 0P22793 Wheaton DR NW Edmonton AB T6W 2M6 E4394894
2793 Wheaton DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 2M613708 101A AV NW Edmonton AB T5N 0L1 E4392644
13708 101A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 0L1#86 52328 HWY 21 Rural Strathcona County AB T8B 1J9 E4392667
#86 52328 HWY 21, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8B 1J910506 131 ST NW Edmonton AB T5N 1Y4 E4394308
10506 131 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 1Y41001 13 ST Cold Lake AB T9M 1J2 E4392297
1001 13 ST, Cold Lake, AB, T9M 1J2#37, 51218 RGE RD 214 Rural Strathcona County AB T8E 1G9 E4391879
#37, 51218 RGE RD 214, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8E 1G916410 130 AV NW Edmonton AB T5V 1J8 E4394735
16410 130 AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5V 1J810530 135 ST NW Edmonton AB T5N 2C7 E4394950
10530 135 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 2C714018 104 AV NW Edmonton AB T5N 0W6 E4391880
14018 104 AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 0W6414 Carmichael LN Hinton AB T7V 1T4 E4392785
414 Carmichael LN, Hinton, AB, T7V 1T4#471 52328 RGE RD 233 Rural Strathcona County AB T8B 0A2 E4393657
52328, RGE RD 233, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8B 0A273 WESTBROOK DR NW Edmonton AB T6J 2C8 E4392518
73 WESTBROOK DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 2C813120 97 ST NW Edmonton AB T5E 4C6 E4394365
13120 97 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E 4C610629 110 ST NW Edmonton AB T5H 3C7 E4393719
10629 110 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5H 3C7#204 Phyllis Drive Rural Parkland County AB T7Y 1A7 E4391849
#204 Phyllis Drive, Rural Parkland County, AB, T7Y 1A7Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate & Houses for Sale
#21B 25012 STURGEON RD Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0C3 E4394672
#21B 25012 STURGEON RD, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 0C35 DONSDALE CR NW Edmonton AB T6M 2N3 E4392300
5 DONSDALE CR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6M 2N312511 GRAND VIEW DR NW Edmonton AB T6H 4K5 E4393359
12511 GRAND VIEW DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6H 4K514312 92A AV NW Edmonton AB T5R 5E2 E4394991
14312 92A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5R 5E210417 SASKATCHEWAN DR NW Edmonton AB T6E 4R8 E4395104
10417 SASKATCHEWAN DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4R86619 123 ST NW NW Edmonton AB T6H 3T3 E4394046
6619 123 ST NW NW, Edmonton, AB, T6H 3T3#6 53217 RGE RD 263 Rural Parkland County AB T7Y 1E2 E4393873
#6 53217 RGE RD 263, Rural Parkland County, AB, T7Y 1E29028 VALLEYVIEW DR NW Edmonton AB T5R 5T6 E4393981
9028 VALLEYVIEW DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T5R 5T650 Pinnacle Wy 50 54403 Rge Rd 251 Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0B5 E4393738
50 Pinnacle Way, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 0B562407 Range Road 431 Rural Bonnyville M.D. AB T9M 1P3 E4393138
62407 Range Road 431, Rural Bonnyville M.D., AB, T9M 1P387 WESTBROOK DR NW Edmonton AB T6J 2C8 E4392992
87 WESTBROOK DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 2C8Lote 1 Manzana 8 Vinedo San Lucas Out of Province_Alberta AB O0O 0O0 E4393028
Lote 1 Manzana 8 Vinedo San Lucas, Out of Province_Alberta, AB, O0O 0O012311 ASPEN DR W NW Edmonton AB T6J 2B6 E4393775
12311 ASPEN DR W NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 2B63104 WATSON GR SW Edmonton AB T6W 0P2 E4394886
3104 WATSON GR SW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 0P22793 Wheaton DR NW Edmonton AB T6W 2M6 E4394894
2793 Wheaton DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 2M613708 101A AV NW Edmonton AB T5N 0L1 E4392644
13708 101A AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 0L1#86 52328 HWY 21 Rural Strathcona County AB T8B 1J9 E4392667
#86 52328 HWY 21, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8B 1J910506 131 ST NW Edmonton AB T5N 1Y4 E4394308
10506 131 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 1Y4#37, 51218 RGE RD 214 Rural Strathcona County AB T8E 1G9 E4391879
#37, 51218 RGE RD 214, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8E 1G910530 135 ST NW Edmonton AB T5N 2C7 E4394950
10530 135 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 2C714018 104 AV NW Edmonton AB T5N 0W6 E4391880
14018 104 AV NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 0W6#471 52328 RGE RD 233 Rural Strathcona County AB T8B 0A2 E4393657
52328, RGE RD 233, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8B 0A273 WESTBROOK DR NW Edmonton AB T6J 2C8 E4392518
73 WESTBROOK DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 2C8#204 Phyllis Drive Rural Parkland County AB T7Y 1A7 E4391849
#204 Phyllis Drive, Rural Parkland County, AB, T7Y 1A721570 TWP RD 534 Rural Strathcona County AB T8E 1G8 E4392967
21570 TWP RD 534, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8E 1G8#182 53016 RGE RD 222 Rural Strathcona County AB T8A 1J8 E4393025
#182 53016 RGE RD 222, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8A 1J81080 WANYANDI WY NW Edmonton AB T6M 0A3 E4392209
1080 WANYANDI WY NW, Edmonton, AB, T6M 0A38911 143 ST NW Edmonton AB T5R 0P3 E4392752
8911 143 ST NW, Edmonton, AB, T5R 0P3572 52304 RGE RD 233 Rural Strathcona County AB T8B 1C9 E4394915
572 52304 RGE RD 233, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8B 1C9#1201 10035 SASKATCHEWAN DR NW Edmonton AB T6E 4R4 E4394160
#1201 10035 SASKATCHEWAN DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4R454428 RGE RD 255 Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0T9 E4395069
54428 RGE RD 255, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 1T8224 54302 Rge Rd 250 Rural Sturgeon County AB T8T 0C9 E4394566
224 54302 Rge Rd 250, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T8T 0C9702 HOWATT DR SW Edmonton AB T6W 3K3 E4394348
702 HOWATT DR SW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 3K34097 WHISPERING RIVER DR NW Edmonton AB T6W 2E2 E4395083
4097 WHISPERING RIVER DR NW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 2E2400 22560 Wye Rd Rural Strathcona County AB T8A 4T6 E4395044
400 22560 Wye Rd, Rural Strathcona County, AB, T8A 4T64212 WESTCLIFF CO SW Edmonton AB T6W 0Y1 E4394586
4212, WESTCLIFF, Edmonton, AB, T6W 0Y111606 89 AV NW NW Edmonton AB T6G 0Z9 E4393005
11606 89 AV NW NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 0Z9320 17 ST SW Edmonton AB T6X 1A7 E4394241
320 17 ST SW, Edmonton, AB, T6X 1A7#930 200 BELLEROSE DR St. Albert AB T8N 7P7 E4394228
#930 200 BELLEROSE DR, St. Albert, AB, T8N 7P756429A RGE RD 240 Rural Sturgeon County AB T0A 0K2 E4395049
56429A RGE RD 240, Rural Sturgeon County, AB, T0A 0K2Testimonials
Edmonton Real Estate Services
Best Real Estate Edmonton
Welcome to Innovative Realty - Best Real Estate Edmonton .ca —your trusted partner for navigating the dynamic real estate market in Edmonton and its surrounding areas. As a locally focused agency, we understand the nuances of this vibrant community and are committed to providing exceptional service to our clients.
Here’s why Innovative Realty - Best Real Estate Edmonton stands out:
- Matthew Bennett, Your Expert REALTOR®: With over a decade of experience, Matthew Bennett brings unparalleled expertise to the table. As a seasoned professional working with Royal Lepage Noralta Real Estate, he guides clients through every step of their real estate journey, whether they’re buying or selling.
- Top Properties at Your Fingertips: Explore our curated listings of top properties in Edmonton. From cozy family homes to stylish condos, we offer a diverse range of options to suit your preferences.
- Collaboration and Results: We believe in teamwork. Our collaboration with Royal LePage Associates and co-operating brokerages ensures superior results. Your satisfaction is our priority.
- Buyer Services: If you’re buying, our up-to-date Edmonton MLS Search provides real-time listings. We also offer expert advice on appraisals, financing, inspections, legal matters, and the entire real estate process.
- Selling Your Home?: Request a FREE HOME EVALUATION via email or call/text Matthew at 780-566-2375. Let us provide you with a comprehensive assessment of your property’s value.
At Innovative Realty - Best Real Estate Edmonton, we’re committed to making your real estate journey enjoyable and stress-free. Let’s find your dream home together! 🏡🌟
- Email: info@bestrealestateedmonton.ca
- Phone/Text: 780-566-2375

About Agent
Matthew Bennett
Real Estate Advisor
Matthew Bennett is a distinguished and conscientious real estate agent, who radiates credibility, commitment to service, and determination in meeting all his clients’ needs. Upon migrating to Edmonton from Toronto in 2013, he sought to explore the new opportunities in the growing city he now calls home. He worked as a bus operator with the Edmonton Transit System for 6 years, and during that time developed a keen eye for the major developments in the city. With his numerous routes, he started to develop a deeper appreciation for the city and was fascinated by the different scenery and the beauty it exudes. He decided to pursue a career as a real estate agent catapulted by his ardent negotiation skills, infectious personality and excellent communication skills. Matthew understands that the purchase of a home is a major investment, and as such prides himself on being a keen listener who is committed to ensure that he constantly exceeds his clients’ expectations. He is renowned for building quality relationships with his clients and maintains this relationship by communicating effectively, demonstrating a high level of trust, and successfully negotiating transactions to ensure his clients are pleased with his service.
